I assembled this new in Hiram, Maine yesterday. The Sole F85 is one of my favorite treadmills for the money.
It replaced a three year old NordicTrack T5.7 after the extended warranty ran out, and NordicTrack would no longer fix the ongoing issues with this lemon.
According to the owner, NordicTrack replaced the motor once, the drive belt once, and the motor control board twice. It would also run for a few weeks and then stop. This happened several times over the just three short years of the life of the extended warranty. It’s now scrap metal with the homeowner says that is the lat NordicTrack that he will ever buy. He’s now enjoying his new .
I assemble all treadmills in my area for the price of a service call. Then I teach you how to maintain it a make it last for a long time.